
+ Why do I need a smart meter?

AMI will provide several benefits:

  • Customers can view electric and water usage in near real time. While meter reads are currently limited to once a month, AMI will allow customers to have access to quarter-hourly (electric) and hourly (water) usage information. This enhanced information will allow customers to make more informed usage decisions.
  • Eventually, seeing up-to-the-minute information from the advanced meters will give you better control over your energy and water usage and your bill. For example, a customer could set up alerts to provide notification of usage thresholds before a high bill is received.
  • Advanced meters will allow FPB to restore power even more efficiently, which means shorter outage duration.
  • The advanced meters measure your energy use with digital technology that enables FPB to read your meter without visiting your property.
  • Customers will have the option to stop and start service remotely.
  • Advanced meters can report leaks and service issues automatically.
  • AMI is a secure and efficient meter reading process.
  • AMI is environmentally friendly, reducing the number of service trucks that FPB needs to send out for meter reading or meter monitoring.
  • Advanced meters will reduce long term costs. The addition of advanced meters is expected to save FPB approximately $1.8 million a year in operational costs.
  • The savings generated from AMI will help maintain low electric and water rates for years to come.
  • Advanced meters help FPB provide even better service when you contact us.
  • In the long-term, AMI provides more reliable service with the added benefit of helping customers to reduce consumption and lower monthly bills.

+ When will my meter be changed?

FPB plans to begin AMI deployment in spring of 2021 and reach completion in the fall of 2023. Customers will be notified in writing prior to their meter change-out. Installers will attempt to contact the home or business owner when on site to let them know their meter will be changed.

+ What should I except when my meter is changed?

A knock on the door to inform you that the meter will be replaced, and you could experience between 5 to 10 minutes without power.

+ Do you need to come in my house?

As long as the meter is located outside, no.

+ Do I need to be at home?

As long as the meter is outside and accessible, no you do not need to be at home.

+ Does the power go out when switching meters?

Yes, this is expected to last from 5 to 10 minutes while the meter is being exchanged.

+ How much will my Smart Meter cost?

There is no charge to customers for the installation of your smart meter.

+ Is AMI a new or unproven technology?

No. Utilities have been communicating remotely with meters since as early as the 1970’s, and the systems have been improving ever since. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, over 78 million AMI meters have already been installed in the US alone.

+ Are AMI meters Safe?

Yes, AMI meters are safe. Advanced meters send short encrypted messages to FPB throughout the day. These messages are similar to, but much lower than, the Radio Frequency (RF) waves produced by cell phones or wi-fi routers. Because AMI meters are typically outside the home, your exposure to these RF transmissions is typically significantly lower than your exposure to these and other common RF sources.

+ How is personal information kept private?

AMI is secure. Messages transmitted from AMI meters are protected by multiple layers of security, including use of private licensed networks and data encryption.