FPB Billing Cycle Information

What is cycle billing?

Cycle billing is the industry practice of billing customers based on pre-determined intervals rather than billing everyone all at once. For FPB customers, their cycle is determined by their meter reading routes and read dates.

How does cycle billing work?

Bills for one-half of FPB’s customers will be due on the first of the month and bills for the other half of FPB’s customers will be due on the fifteenth of the month.

Based on meter reading routes and schedules, customers are being divided into two billing cycles. Customers whose meters were historically read between the 26th and the 10th, will be transitioned to Cycle 1. Customers with the read dates of the 11th through the 25th will be in Cycle 2. Customers with only non-metered accounts, such as Cable-Telecom, will be evenly distributed based on the nearest metered route

Why did FPB make the change to cycle billing?

When all bills are due at the same time, customers have difficulty reaching our staff, both in the office and on the phone lines. Cycle billing is one way we can increase the ease which our customers can reach us to take care of their business needs.

How does cycle billing impact late payments and disconnects?

Late payments will continue to be assessed on the same schedule. Late charges will be assessed on any past due balance, five days after the due date.

Because of the billing schedules service interruptions for non-payment will occur on a set schedule and disconnect dates will not fluctuate. Customers will have access to a yearly calendar with significant dates related to their cycle, including service disconnect and late fee assessment.

How does cycle billing impact bank draft and budget payments?

Customers will continue to be drafted on their scheduled due date. For those customers transitioning to Cycle 1, their bank draft will be the first of the month to coincide with their due date. Customers on bank draft will see no changes in their budget amounts.

Can I decide when my bill will be due?

Due to meter reading routes and schedules, customers will not be able to select a particular due date or cycle.


How will cycle billing impact customer service?

Cycle billing will more evenly distribute the work for staff throughout the month. This will improve customers’ ability to reach our staff on the phone and in our office through reduced wait times.  


How can I learn more about cycle billing?

Customers can visit our website at fpb.cc, customer portal at my.fpb.cc, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Information is also available by calling Customer Service at 502-352-4372.