- Action Item: Consider Approving Minutes for the September 1, 2015 Special Board Meeting.
- Action Item: Consider Approving Minutes for the September 15, 2015 Board Meeting.
- Action Item: Electric, Water and Cable Financial & Statistical Data for September 2015.
- Action Item: Accept Mountjoy Chilton Medley (MCM) Audit Report for the Electric and Water Plant Board of the City of Frankfort, Kentucky for the Year Ended June 30, 2015.
- Action Item: Consider Frankfort City Commission Mitigation Requirements for Headend Facility.
- Action Item: Consider Accepting Proposal from MedBen for Third Party Administration and Related Services for FPB’s Employee Group Health Plan effective January 1, 2016.
- Action Item: Consider Health Plan Options and Employee Contribution Rates Effective January 2016.
- Informational Item: Departmental Reports:
* Cable Dept.
* Customer Service
* Electric Dept.
* Safety
* Water Distribution
* Water Treatment Plant
* Administration Building
* Headend Action Item: Consider Approval of Change Order No. 2 for the Administration Building for a deduction of $143,215.42.
Action Item: Consider Approval of Addendum to Windstream Agreement for 10 Gigabit Transport Circuit Solution.
Action Item: Election of Officers for FPB Board.
Action Item: Special Meeting of the Frankfort Plant Board Municipal Projects Corporation to conduct an Election for the President and Vice President of the Municipal Projects Corporation.
Old & New Business:
Informational Item: General Manager’s Comments.
Request Permission to have Chair call for a Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(c) for the discussion of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of FPB; KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for discussions which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee; and KRS 61.810(1)(b) for the discussion of the future acquisition or sale of real property.
Closed Door Session: