1. Action Item: Consider Approving Minutes for the December 15, 2015 Board Meeting.
2. Action Item: Consider Accepting the Minutes for the December 18, 2015 Credit Card Committee Meeting.
3. Action Item: Electric, Water and Cable Financial & Statistical Data for December 2015.
4. Informational Item: Departmental Reports:
- Cable Dept.
- Customer Service
- Electric Dept.
- o SEPA
- Safety
- Water Distribution
- Water Treatment Plant
- Administration Building
- Headend
5. Action Item: Consider Strengthening the Partnership Between the Community and FPB by Enhancing Transparency and Encouraging Community Involvement.
6. Action Item: Consider Transfer of $140,000 of Capital Funds from the US 60 OVH Project to East Main Substation Project for the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year.
7. Action Item: Consider Approving Renewal of FPB’s Insurance Policies in the Amount of $778,093.35.
8. Action Item: Consider Approval of Change Order No. 3 for the Headend Building for a deduction of ($54,426.05).
9. Action Item: Consider Memorandum of Agreement with Franklin County Fiscal Court for Dark Fiber and Dedicated Internet Access Services.
10. Action Item: Consider the Award of RFP #2015-4 for Telephone Switching Services to Big River Telephone Company, LLC (BRT).
11. Action Item: Consider Removal of AMC Networks from Classic and Preferred Cable Lineup.
12. Action Item: Consider Approving Hallmark Channel Renewal.
13. Action Item: Consider approval of NCTC TiVo Services and Participation Agreement.
14. Action Item: Consider Retaining Mountjoy Chilton Medley LLP to Conduct the 2016 Financial Statement Audit for a Fee of $32,200 and to Conduct a Single Audit in Accordance with OMC Circular A-133 Related to Federal Funds Expended by FPB on KIA Project Number F13-021 for a Fee of $3,000, if applicable.
15. Action Item: General Manager Evaluation.
16. Old & New Business:
17. Informational Item: General Manager’s Comments.
18. Request Permission to have Chair call for a Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(c) for the discussion of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of FPB; KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for discussions which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee; and KRS 61.810(1)(b) for the discussion of the future acquisition or sale of real property.
19. Closed Door Session: