November 15, 2016 BOARD MEETING AGENDA
1. Action Item: Consider Approving Minutes for the October 18, 2016 Board Meeting.
2. Action Item: Consider Renewal of Stop Loss Coverage with Pan American for the 2017 FPB Employee Health Plan.
3. Action Item: Consider Changes to FPB Employee Health Plan Effective January 1, 2017.
4. Action Item: Accept Electric, Water and Cable Financial & Statistical Data for October 2016.
5. Informational Item: Public Comment Period.
6. Informational Item: Departmental Reports:
* Website Customer Comments
* Cable Dept.
* Customer Service
* Electric Dept.
* Safety
* Water Distribution
* Water Treatment Plant
* Administration Building
7. Information Item: Presentation Regarding Reservoir: Update and Direction on Moving Forward.
8. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1626 for Underground Faulted Circuit Indicators to U&I Products in the Amount of $32,802.
9. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1629 for a Line Puller and Tensioner to Brooks Brothers Trailers in the Amount of $79,850.
10. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1630 for two 15kV outdoor circuit breakers to Siemens Industry Inc. in the Amount of $28,596.
11. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1631 for Spacer Cable to Brownstown Electric Supply Company in the amount of $31,672.
12. Action Item: Consider Approving Stingray Music Renewal.
13. Information Item: Update on status of NCTC Negotiations with Fox Cable for carriage of nine networks.
14. Action Item: Consider Mitigation of Tanglewood Issues.
15. Action Item: Conduct Election for Secretary/Treasurer of the Frankfort Plant Board Municipal Projects Corporation.
16. Action Item: Conduct Election for Vice Chair for the Board of Directors of the Frankfort Plant Board.
17. Action Item: General Manager Evaluation.
18. Old & New Business:
19. Informational Item: General Manager’s Comments.
20. Request Permission to have Chair call for a Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) for the discussion of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of FPB; KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussions which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee; and KRS 61.810(1)(b) for the discussion of the future acquisition or sale of real property.
21. Closed Door Session: