December 20, 2016 BOARD MEETING AGENDA
1. Action Item: Consider Approving Minutes for the November 15, 2016 Board Meeting.
2. Action Item: Accept Electric, Water and Cable Financial & Statistical Data for November 2016.
3. Action Item: Consider Approval of Change Order No. 6 for the Administration Building for an addition of $24,795.65.
4. Informational Item: Public Comment Period.
5. Informational Item: Departmental Reports:
- *Website Customer Comments
- Cable Dept.
- Customer Service
- Electric Dept.
- o SEPA
- Safety
- Water Distribution
- Water Treatment Plant
- Administration Building
6. Information Item: Discuss Cable-Telecom Infrastructure RFP Responses.
7. Action Item: Consider Entering into External Audit Engagement with Crowe Horwath for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2017 for Fixed Audit Fee of $32,000.
8. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1632 for Two Distribution Reclosers to Brownstown Electric Supply Company in the Amount of $37,222.
9. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1634 for Two (2) Pad Mounted Transformers to C.G. Power in the Amount of $17,564 and One (1) Pad Mounted Transformer to Wesco Distribution in the Amount of $16,240.
10. Action Item: Consider Approval of Letter of Agreement (“LOA”) to Share Easements with Kentucky Wired.
11. Action Item: Consider Amendments to the Job Classification and Compensation Plan to Re-classify One Position in the Water Treatment Department: the Water Treatment Plant Operator III.
12. Action Item: Consider Changes to the FPB Employee Guidelines, Vacation Leave Policy.
13. Action Item: Consider Group Life & AD&D Insurance Coverage, and Voluntary Life Insurance Coverage with Minnesota Life Insurance Company effective January 1, 2017.
14. Action Item: Consider Award of Bid Invitation #1624, (North Basin Reservoir Lining Project), to Colorado Lining International for $183,600.
15. Information Item: Community Water Fountain Concept Pilot Project.
16. Action Item: Consider Approving Master Service Agreement with Jones/NCTI, Inc., for Online Customer Care and Technician Courses ($16,512).
17. Action Item: Consider Approving Ovation Renewal.
18. Action Item: Consider Extension for Fox Regional Sports Networks (Fox Ohio, Big Ten Network and YES Network) and FOX VOD.
19. Action Item: Consider creation of web based document store to allow public access to information pertinent to FPB operations.
20. Action Item: Consider application for Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) grants from the State of Kentucky.
21. Action Item: General Manager Evaluation
22. Old & New Business:
23. Informational Item: General Manager’s Comments.
24. Request Permission to have Chair call for a Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) for the discussion of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of FPB.
25. Closed Door Session:
Contact the board with questions or comments about this meeting by visiting