Board meeting at the Farmers Bank on 125 West Main in the fourth floor community room.
1. Action Item: Consider Approving Minutes for the December 20, 2016 Board Meeting.
2. Action Item: Consider Approving Renewal of FPB’s Insurance Policies in the Amount of $755,897.
3. Action Item: Accept Electric, Water and Cable Financial & Statistical Data for December 2016.
4. Informational Item: Public Comment Period.
5. Informational Item: Departmental Reports:
* Website Customer Comments
* Cable Dept.
* Tanglewood
* Customer Service
* Electric Dept.
* Safety
* Water Distribution
* Water Treatment Plant
* Administration Building
6. Information Item: Update on KyMEA’s Assessment of Renewable Resource Options.
7. Action Item: Consider Accepting Johanson Group Report on Compensation and Benefits Study for Electric Department and Cable Construction Positions.
8. Action Item: Consider Award of RFQ 16-09 for Engineering Services for FPB Electric and Water AMI Business Case.
9. Action Item: Approval of Contractor Agreements for Storm Response with Davis H Elliot, Groves Construction, and Bowlin Companies.
10. Action Item: Consider Approval of Change Order No. 6 for the Administration Building for an addition of $23,470.65.
11. Action Item: Consider renewal for direct agreements for Fox Sports Ohio, BTN, YES and Fox Broadcast VOD/TVE.
12. Action Item: Consider Approving Public Hearing Notice covering: (1) Increasing rate for Classic Cable service, (2) Increasing rate for Bulk cable I and Bulk cable II; (3) Reducing rate for HBO, (4) Changing names and speeds for High Speed Internet Offerings.
13. Action Item: Consider Awarding Cable-Telecom Infrastructure RFP to Finley Engineering-CCG Consultants ($63,000).
14. Old & New Business:
15. Informational Item: General Manager’s Comments.
16. Request Permission to have Chair call for a Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) for the discussion of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of FPB.
17. Closed Door Session:
Contact the board with questions or comments about this meeting by visiting