Time-of-Use Rates: A Smart Way to Save on Energy
Discover the Power of Time-of-Use (TOU) Rates
Ever wondered how you can save money on your electricity bill while also helping the environment? Time-of-Use (TOU) rates are here to help! Unlike traditional flat rates, TOU rates vary depending on the time of day, the season, and even the day of the week. By shifting your electricity usage to times when it costs less to produce, you can enjoy significant savings.
Why TOU Rates Matter
Electricity is most expensive during peak times, like late afternoon or early evening, when everyone is using their appliances. TOU rates align your energy costs with these variations, encouraging smarter energy use and supporting a more stable, environmentally friendly power grid.
How TOU Rates Work
TOU rates are divided into three periods:
On-Peak: When demand is highest, and rates are at their peak.
Off-Peak: When demand is lower, offering you a chance to save.
Super Off-Peak: The lowest rates, typically during the middle of the night—perfect for charging your electric vehicle or running appliances.
For example, during summer weekdays, rates might be higher from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM but much lower from midnight to 6:00 AM
Unlock the Benefits of TOU Rates
Save Money: By using electricity during off-peak times, you can reduce your energy bills.
Go Green: Lowering demand during peak hours helps decrease reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
Support the Grid: Spread out electricity usage to help prevent outages and keep the grid stable.
Maximize Your Savings with TOU Rates
Shift Major Tasks: Run dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers during off-peak hours.
Use Smart Tech: Invest in smart plugs and programmable thermostats to optimize your energy usage.
Store Energy: If you have solar panels, consider a battery system to store off-peak energy for use during on-peak times.
Time-of Use (TOU) Rates
Time-of Use Monthly Charge $15.50 Per Meter
TOU Summer On Peak $0.17395 Per kWh
TOU Summer Off Peak $0.08697 Per kWh
TOU Summer Super Off Peak $0.04500 Per kWh
TOU Winter On Peak $0.13916 Per kWh
TOU Winter Off Peak $0.08697 Per kWh
TOU Winter Super Off Peak $0.04500 Per kWh
On-Peak and Super Off-Peak Hours
Summer (May-September)
On-Peak Hours - Weekdays 2:00 -7:00 pm
Super Off-Peak Hours - Weekdays 12:00 am - 6:00 am
Winter (October-April)
On-Peak Hours - Weekdays 7:00-10:00 am & 2:00 - 7:00 pm
Super Off-Peak Hours - Weekdays 12:00 am - 6:00 am
Join the TOU Revolution
Time-of-Use rates offer a smarter, more sustainable way to manage your electricity. Start saving money, reduce your environmental impact, and help keep our power grid reliable. For more details or to check your eligibility, contact our customer service team today!
(502) 352-4372Email: