FPB Cable - Free Trial
/FPB and their network partners have made the following channels available for a Free Trial to all FPB Cable customers with an FPB Advanced Set Top.
Update: Showtime Networks free trial expired 4/21/20
The health and safety of our customers is the Frankfort Plant Board’s top priority as we ensure the safe and reliable supply of electricity, water and telecommunications services. We are closely monitoring the ever-changing landscape of how COVID-19 is affecting our community, and we continue to follow the latest guidelines on preparation and prevention from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
FPB has a strong track-record of preparing for many kinds of emergencies that could impact our ability to serve our community. We plan for all scenarios and do not expect any disruption of service during this public health crisis.
FPB and their network partners have made the following channels available for a Free Trial to all FPB Cable customers with an FPB Advanced Set Top.
Update: Showtime Networks free trial expired 4/21/20