1. What is the KYMEA? The Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency is a joint action agency that was formed by FPB and other municipal utilities in 2015 to help members secure electric power more efficiently and at lower costs than they could individually. KYMEA does not currently generate electricity but serves as a power purchaser for the group of municipal utilities. FPB is a member of KYMEA and FPB’s General Manager is a member on the Board.

2. What is the KYMEA all requirements power sales contract (“AR contract”)? FPB entered into the AR Contract with KYMEA in August of 2016. Under this contract, FPB agreed to purchase all of its electricity from KYMEA. Subject to some exceptions, this means that KYMEA is FPB’s sole supplier of electricity.

3. Why did FPB give notice to terminate, or end, this contract? By terminating the AR contract, FPB will have more freedom to explore other energy resources that best meet the needs of our customers while maintaining lower rates in both the short-term and long-term.

4. What will happen to my rates? Rates will remain stable. The AR contract will remain in place for five years. In the meantime, FPB will be reviewing other resources that are reliable, economical, and sustainable.

5. What will happen to Frankfort’s energy supply? Frankfort’s power supply will remain stable and reliable. FPB will continue to purchase power from KYMEA through the end of the AR contract and will have plenty of time to seamlessly transfer power suppliers. FPB's 20-year contract with the Ashwood solar facility will remain in place. The FPB Community Solar program is owned by FPB and will not be affected by any power supply changes.

6. Is FPB still a KYMEA member? Yes, FPB is still a member. Even though the decision was made not to continue with the AR contract, our membership in the organization is still valuable and has provided millions of dollars in savings to FPB and our ratepayers.

7. Will FPB have to pay for other KYMEA projects if it is a member? No, FPB’s ratepayers are only obligated for the current power supply contracts. FPB has no responsibility to pay for projects it does not participate in or sign up for.

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