1. Informational Item: Presentation and Open Discussion of Report from Energy and Environmental Economics.
2. Informational Item: Presentation from KyMEA Consultants regarding Report from Energy and Environmental Economics, and KyMEA and Open Discussion.
3. Informational Item: Presentation from Owensboro Municipal Utility Regarding Report from Energy and Environmental Economics and KyMEA and Open Discussion.
4. Informational Item: Public Comment/Discussion Period.
5. Request Permission to have Chair call for a Closed Session: Chair moves for a closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) and 61.810(1)(c) for the purpose of discussing and updating the Board regarding KyMEA power purchase agreements, renewable power purchase agreements and the E3 analysis thereof. Counterparties to the PPAs and renewable PPAs have disclosed confidential terms and conditions within these agreements. KRS 61.810(1)(k) and 61.878(1)(c) allow for closed session where discussions regarding records or information disclosed to the agency or required to be disclosed to the agency as confidential or proprietary would, if disclosed by the agency, provide an unfair advantage to competitors of the entity disclosing such information
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