Public invited to landscape presentation July 11
/FPB hosts US Army Corps of Engineers specialist to discuss landscape solutions.
FPB will host Keith C. Chasteen, Natural Resources Management Specialist at the US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District for a presentation, "Habitat Enhancement for Pollinators: Management strategies to reduce mowing and for providing other benefits." He will present projects the Corps has tackled and implemented in the area of landscape solutions. In many cases, these were difficult areas to maintain. By considering pollinators’ needs, they found solutions that also aided budget limits. After his presentation, he will take questions. The event is free and open to the public and will be held Tuesday, July 11 at 10 a.m. in FPB’s community room at 151 Flynn Ave. in Frankfort.
Keith Chasteen
Natural Resources Management Specialist
US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District
"Habitat Enhancement for Pollinators: Management strategies to reduce mowing and for providing other benefits."
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
10 a.m.
FPB Community Room
151 Flynn Ave.
Frankfort, KY