FPB launches Round Up for Change

The Frankfort Plant Board will soon launch a new program to aid winter care resources. Round Up for Change offers FPB customers the opportunity to round up their monthly bill to the next highest dollar. The difference will go to Bluegrass Community Action Partnership’s (BGACP) Winter Care program.

 Winter Care funds are available to those most in need to pay utility bills for winter services. In addition to Winter Care, BGCAP offers community services like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Weatherization program.

 “The pennies contributed by each customer to Round Up for Change, when combined with the pennies of other customers, could make a real difference in some lives,” said Cathy Lindsey, FPB public information coordinator. “This is a real example of community helping community.”

 Each participating FPB customer could contribute an estimated $6 per year – a small amount to help a worthy cause. If 20,000 FPB customers participated, approximately $120,000 could be contributed annually to the Winter Care fund to assist Frankfort’s community members most in need.

 Round Up for Change, a voluntary program, will be available beginning Jan. 2, 2019. Customers can sign up or opt out at any time by completing the Round Up for Change form, which is available online or at the FPB office on Flynn Ave.

 In addition to the Round Up for Change program, FPB also offers customers the opportunity to contribute to Winter Care in lump sums every month on their bills. This is a tax-deductible contribution to BGCAP. Funds are distributed by BGCAP when client assessment identifies a need in the home. Winter Care funds received from FPB are used for FPB clients only.

 For more information, go to https://fpb.cc/round-up-for-change or call (502) 352-4372. FPB customers in need of Winter Care assistance can contact the BGCAP Franklin County office at 502-695-5615.


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