East Main Utility Work

The Frankfort Plant Board in coordination with The City of Frankfort, Frankfort Sewer Department, Columbia Gas of Kentucky and the Ky. Transportation Dept. (KYTC) will begin relocating utilities on E. Main Street between Martin Luther King Blvd. and Capital Ave. 

During this time, E. Main St. will be reduced to 2 lanes. 1 Lane for each direction and the speed limits will be reduced to 25 MPH. 

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has awarded the City a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant in the total amount of $7,990,000 for the design and construction of the complete Second Street Corridor Project. These utility relocations are part of the shovel ready projects in conjunction with the TIGER Grant prior to the resurfacing of E. Main St. by KYTC. 

Water line construction will be the first utility to begin their main relocation and upgrade. The Frankfort Sewer Department and Columbia Gas of Kentucky to follow. Construction for all utilities will take approximately nine (9) months. PLEASE USE CAUTION and if at all possible use alternate routes. 

Should you have any questions or concerns please call 502-352-4433. 

TIGER Grant Project Map

TIGER Grant Project Map