Boil water Advisory Lifted for Twilight trl. and Brentwood sub division

The Water Department of the Frankfort Plant Board is notifying you that the Division of Water of the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection has now canceled the Boil Water Advisory.

This Advisory was issued 6/8/23 due to a loss of pressure in the water main caused by plant board crews cutting and capping an existing water main.

The area affected was:

·     1900 US Hwy 127 S.

·     1110 To 1178 Richliev Ln.

·     1104 To 1174 Devane Ln.

·     1104 to 1145 Aderly Ln.

·     1100, 1104, 1108, 1112, and 1118 Tamworth Ln.

·    Commercial Dr.

·    1003, 1005, 1007, 1009, 1105, 1109, 1111, 1471, and 1491 Twilight Trl.

If you should have any questions or problems with normal service or water quality please call 352-4372