Thunder Storms - Be Prepared

Thunder storms are in the forecast this summer and can often arrive with little notice. We've put together a few tips to help you be prepared for power outages, lightning and severe weather.


Know the Terms

Severe Thunderstorm Watch - Tells you when and where severe thunderstorms are likely to occur. Watch the sky and stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio or television for information.

Severe Thunderstorm Warning - Issued when severe weather has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar. Warnings indicate imminent danger to life and property to those in the path of the storm.

Be Prepared Before a Storm

It’s best to be prepared before a storm hits: you may have to evacuate your home quickly or you may need provisions during a power outage; make sure your essentials are ready.  Build an emergency kit with food, water and other supplies to help you manage during any outages.


Emergency Kit

The following are recommend items for a basic emergency kit. Special consideration should be made for medicines, the elderly, and infant or children.

Food: Food items should include foods your family will eat with any special dietary needs considered.  Try to avoid foods that will make you thirsty.  The following is a list of suggested foods: ready to eat canned meats, fruits, vegetables, protein or fruit bars, peanut butter, dried fruit, nuts, crackers, canned juices, and vitamins.

Water: Store approximately one gallon of tap water per person per day for at least three days. Use food grade storage containers; thoroughly cleaned plastic soda bottles also work well.  Replace water every six months.

Supplies: manual can opener, battery powered or hand crank radio with batteries, flashlight with extra batteries, first aid kit, whistle to signal for help, blankets or sleeping bags, matches, garbage bags with ties for personal sanitation.


During a Thunderstorm

Stay away from windows and off porches; Avoid hilltops, open fields and bodies of water: Avoid contact with anything metal; Avoid contact with plumbing: showers, washing hands from a sink, washing dishes and laundry; Avoid contact with electrical equipment and chorded appliances.  Unplug any electrical items, especially computers, and TVs: Turn off air conditioners.  


After a Thunderstorm

Report downed power lines immediately by calling 502-352-4372.   

Never drive through a flooded roadway; stay away from storm-damaged areas: listen or watch local television stations for updated information.


Information compiled from