December 4, Board Meeting Agenda

I, John Cubine, Chairman of the Frankfort Plant Board, hereby call the Special Meeting of the Frankfort Plant Board for Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 12:00 noon.

Per KRS 61.826, this meeting is a video teleconference meeting. One or more members of the Frankfort Plant Board will participate via Zoom or a similar video teleconferencing system. The Board Members will not be present in person for the meeting.

The Frankfort Plant Board is providing members of the public the following video link to access the meeting: on FPB Cable 10 and HD on Channel 510.

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Bid Invitation #1813 - For Leestown Road Pump Station

The Electric and Water Plant Board of the City of Frankfort, Kentucky issues this

invitation to solicit bids for “Leestown Road Pump Station” as described in the

hereto instructions and specification document. Any and all exceptions to the

specifications shall be noted and fully explained. However, as deemed by the Plant

Board, any and all exceptions shall be equal or exceed the specifications. Exceptions for

material items determined to be less equal than specified items shall be basis to reject a


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October 15, Board Meeting Agenda

I, John Cubine, Chairman of the Frankfort Plant Board, hereby call the Regular Meeting of the Frankfort Plant Board for Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Per KRS 61.826, this meeting is a video teleconference meeting. One or more members of the Frankfort Plant Board will participate via Zoom or a similar video teleconferencing system. One or more Board Members will not be present in person for the meeting.

The primary location of the video teleconference where all members can be seen and heard by video and the public may attend is: the FPB Administration Building, 151 Flynn Avenue, Frankfort, KY 40601.

The Frankfort Plant Board is providing members of the public the following video link to access the meeting: & on FPB Cable 10 and HD on Channel 510.

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September 16, Special Board Meeting Agenda

I, John Cubine, Chairman of the Frankfort Plant Board, hereby call the Special Meeting of the Frankfort Plant Board for Monday, September 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Per KRS 61.826, this meeting is a video teleconference meeting. One or more members of the Frankfort Plant Board will participate via Zoom or a similar video teleconferencing system. The primary physical location of the video teleconference where all members can be seen and heard and the public may attend is the FPB Administration Building located at 151 Flynn Avenue, Frankfort, KY 40601.

The Frankfort Plant Board is providing members of the public the following video link to access the meeting: on FPB Cable 10 and HD on Channel 510.

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