FPB Employees Donate Over $16k to United Way of Franklin County

FPB presents a check to United Way of Franklin County Executive Director Randy Roberts.(Pictured left to right – Randy Roberts, United Way of Franklin County; and 2016 FPB Committee Members Michelle Early, Kim Bayes and Rebecca Wilson.)

FPB presents a check to United Way of Franklin County Executive Director Randy Roberts.(Pictured left to right – Randy Roberts, United Way of Franklin County; and 2016 FPB Committee Members Michelle Early, Kim Bayes and Rebecca Wilson.)

FPB employees are known for their hard work, dedication and ability to provide reliable services to their customers, but FPB is also known for giving back to the community. Whether it is a donation of money or time, FPB employees are always there to lend a hand to the people and organizations of Frankfort, Franklin County and the surrounding areas.

This year FPB employees donated $15,643.02 to the United Way of Franklin County. FPB employees have been making annual contributions to the United Way for many years and have consistently been one of the top corporate contributors to the cause.

Monthly financial contributions are just part of the company’s work for the United Way. Chili cook-offs, raffles and other fund raisers are part of the FPB employee’s contributions each year. The entire FPB contribution for 2015 was $16, 272.82.

FPB General Manager Herbbie Bannister applauds the generosity of the utilities’ employees and hopes FPB’s involvement can inspire others. “FPB encourages everyone to find a charitable organization or cause that you believe in and support it. The money raised and donated comes directly, and voluntarily, from our employees. This is our community, we are dedicated be a positive part of it and in the lives of our customers. Our employees take great pride in our involvement in this incredible community and I am very proud of their annual contribution to the United Way of Franklin County.”

FPB has a United Way committee of staff members that oversee the annual giving campaign. FPB’s 2015 committee included: Trisa Cinnamon, William Lynn and Rebecca Wilson.