Boil Water Advisory  Date: 5/21/2020   The Water Department of the Frankfort Plant Board advises to boil the water before drinking or using it for cooking. The advisory is in effect for the following area:     ·     117 To 130 Oakmont Lane ·     105, 111 Lindenwood Lane ·     162, 166 Northwood Road     A vigorous boil, is recommended for at least two minutes. This Boil Water Advisory is a precautionary measure due to a loss of pressure in the water main caused by Plant Board crews repairing a water main break.   This Advisory will remain in effect until lab analysis of water samples taken confirms that the potable water supply in the effected area is safe to drink. You will receive a notice when the advisory is lifted.   If you have any questions concerning the Boil Water Advisory, please call 352-4372   FRANKFORT PLANT BOARD WATER DEPT.

       5-21-2020              9:05 am

Outage update - 5/16/20

Friday night, a downed tree prompted a power outage in downtown Frankfort causing a cascade of events that ultimately took down the internet and phone system systemwide by 10:40 p.m. All internet and phone service should have returned to normal as of 5:30 a.m.

If you still have a problem with your service, please report the issue by calling 352-4372. We apologize for any inconvenience to you and appreciate your patience.

Recognize high-quality water is “There When You Need It” this Drinking Water Week, May 3-9

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have assured consumers that drinking water was safe to use as normal. FPB commends the water treatment professionals on staff who ensure the consistent and reliable quality of Frankfort’s drinking water during this global crisis and all the time. That sentiment is at the heart of the theme for this year’s Drinking Water Week, “There When You Need It” which will be held May 3-9.  

FPB and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) will observe Drinking Water Week by recognizing the vital role tap water plays in daily life, the infrastructure that is required to carry it to and from homes and businesses, and the important work of water professionals “behind the scenes.”  

Many communities, including Frankfort, are fortunate to have reliable access to safe water when they turn on the tap. In large part, this stems from the regular testing FPB conducts to ensure that regulatory standards for water quality are met. In fact, every water system must publish a water quality report annually. You can find this year’s report on FPB’s website at https://fpb.cc/water.  

Reliable water service used for hygiene, hydration and cooking is critical to our health and safety throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, several health organizations recommended normal hygienic practices, including hand-washing for 20 seconds, would play an important role in slowing the spread of the coronavirus.   

“During these difficult times, we reflect on the heroic work of health professionals and first responders who place themselves in harm’s way to keep us all healthy and safe,” said AWWA President Jim Williams. “I’ve referred to the water profession as a “vocation of distinction” before. In these difficult times, it is also a vocation of heroism.”   

“Frankfort and Franklin County should be proud of FPB’s drinking water treatment and distribution operators and maintenance staff. I know I am,” said Julie Roney, FPB’s Water Treatment Plant Superintendent. “These men and women have been working long days and crazy schedules here at FPB to keep clean water coming to their taps. Why? Because drinking water utilities are a vital link to maintaining public health.  And as this pandemic has shown, you can’t wash your hands without clean, safe water!”   

To commemorate the week, water utilities, water organizations, government entities, environmental advocates, schools and other stakeholders throughout North America and beyond will encourage consumers to understand and appreciate the value of clean and drinking water. FPB will share Frankfort On Tap information all week on social media and will deliver Frankfort On Tap water bottles to some local heroes.  

About Drinking Water Week  For more than 40 years, AWWA and its members have celebrated Drinking Water Week, a unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to join together in recognizing the vital role water plays in daily lives. Free materials for download and additional information are available at https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/Drinking-Water-Week.  


Electric maintenance window necessary for Big Eddy on May 5

The Frankfort Plant Board has had to schedule a power outage on Tuesday, May 5 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Big Eddy area. The outage is necessary to make permanent repairs to electric lines over the Kentucky River that were damaged during a storm last Wednesday.  

The outage will affect all of Big Eddy, Big Eddy Beach Rd. and Travis Circle.  

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

FPB provides water quality tips for businesses

As some local businesses may be reopening after weeks of little to no water use, it is important to take measures to ensure that plumbing and fixtures are prepared to provide fresh water. While water quality past the meter is the responsibility of the customer, the Frankfort Plant Board offers the following tips for water system maintenance in buildings: 

Flush your building’s water system. The purpose of flushing is to replace all water inside building piping with fresh water. 

  • Flush hot and cold water through all points of use (e.g., showers, sink faucets). 

  • Begin flushing at a tap closest to where the water enters the building, and then move out through the building. 

  • Flush cold-water taps until the water is cool to the touch. 

  • Flush hot-water taps until the water is hot. 

  • If the building contains multiple floors or wings, flushing may need to occur in segments.  Flush from the bottom floor up to the top floor. 

  • Flush all water fountains, bottle filling stations, ice makers, eyewash stations and any other water-containing devices.   

Ensure your water heater is properly maintained and the temperature is correctly set  

  • Determine if your manufacturer recommends draining the water heater after a prolonged period of disuse. Ensure that all maintenance activities are carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions or by professionals. 

  • Make sure that your water heater is set to at least 120°F 

If your business includes decorative water features, such a fountains, or hot tubs and spas, clean and disinfect them per manufacturer recommendations. 


Please direct any questions to Brian Bourne with FPB’s Water Distribution Department at 502-352-4432. 


The full Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/building-water-system.html.