Bloomberg TV Requests Discontinuation of Service

Bloomberg (channel 113) may deauthorize its signal on or after December 14. That is out of our control

Despite continued efforts by the National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC), FPB’s negotiating partner on cable television programming, FPB has been unable to come to terms with Bloomberg TV (channel 113) on a new agreement. Bloomberg has stopped negotiations and has notified the NCTC that cable operators must drop the service. The NCTC had sought to allow operators to continue to carry the service as they had since the previous agreement expired in 2008.

While Bloomberg has requested the network be removed no later than December 14, 2013, the NCTC has notified Bloomberg operators will require a reasonable amount of time to adequately notify customers of the drop and comply with applicable laws regarding subscriber notifications.  FPB Cable-Telecom Superintendent John Higginbotham says FPB’s message will be on customer’s December FPB bill. “We are not certain, but Bloomberg may deauthorize its signal on or after December 14. That is out of our control.”

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