1. What is the KYMEA? The Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency is a joint action agency that was formed by FPB and other municipal utilities in 2015 to help members secure electric power more efficiently and at lower costs than they could individually. KYMEA does not currently generate electricity but serves as a power purchaser for the group of municipal utilities. FPB is a member of KYMEA and FPB’s General Manager is a member on the Board.

Click here to read our KYMEA FAQ

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June 27, Special Board Meeting Notice

I, John Cubine, Chairman of the Frankfort Plant Board, hereby call the Special Meeting of the Frankfort Plant Board for Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

Per KRS 61.826, this meeting is a video teleconference meeting. One or more members of the Frankfort Plant Board will participate via Zoom or a similar video teleconferencing system. The primary physical location for the meeting where the public may attend will be the Frankfort Plant Board administration building located at 151 Flynn Avenue, Frankfort, KY 40601.

The Frankfort Plant Board is providing members of the public the following video link to access the meeting: & on FPB Cable 10 and HD on Channel 510.

View Notice

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